I should have posted this earlier in December. It slipped my mind, and besides, I wasn’t too happy with any of the pictures, due to their being taken in poor light.
Having looked online to see if the white tree Dahlia was Dahlia imperialis alba or ‘Alba’, I saw a picture taken at Abottsbury Subtropical Gardens and thought this is a plant perhaps worth further comment.I obtained my plant in September 2012 from Paul Guppy the wonderful gardener at Upton Country Park near Poole in Dorset. This Georgian manor garden is a worth a visit if you are holidaying in the area and it’s free to go around. Paul was kind enough to let us make a private visit to his own very interesting garden, Cottesmore Farm.
His garden is in the National Gardens Scheme.My Dahlia didn’t flower in 2012 or 13 but set up buds this autumn and the only flower to open was towards the end of November. Having seen pictures of what it can look like I’m going to try and start it into growth earlier next year, and see if I can achieve a head of flowers instead of just one!