We have recently called on the help of two friendly builders to carry out some garden construction work. I might have undertaken these tasks myself with more time and energy, and without sciatica, which I am currently living with. The most interesting of these works has been the building of a new raised bed, constructed out of broken council type paving slabs to blend with many of our existing structures. This narrow bed runs along the East facing wall a World War 2 air raid shelter that is now disguised from German bombers by a greenhouse that sits on top. Previously this had been a steep bank held in place by the roots of a low growing bamboo (Plioblasus species).
In addition, the builders have adapted some yorkstone steps leading up to the door of the greenhouse. I had built these many years ago with an excessive slope on them, which was bordering on the dangerous.
The bed has been planted with a dozen or so evergreen Epimediums.